All Adventures

Please browse through our selection of adventures in Africa in no particular order. Everything is in here. We have curated the best adventure travel plans from around the world.

We offer you adventures to check off your bucket list, where you can touch the skies in a hot air balloon and see the beautiful landscapes of many destinations worldwide, from Tanzania to Nepal. We provide adventure plans that can be modified for your specific needs and preferences. We have experiences in Nepal, where you can hike in the frosty Himalayas, and in Uganda, where you can see the misty mountain gorillas up close. And in Zanzibar, you can swim on crystal-clear beaches and enjoy the exotic weather. We also expose you to various cultures, such as the Maasai culture, where you can experience these nomadic people’s traditional food and songs on their own terms. Visit Nepal, taste the unique tea in their high-altitude teahouses, and learn about the traditional coffee rituals they perform on the slopes of Kilimanjaro. We constantly add to our travel plans, so watch out for new destinations. Book us at World Adventure Tours. We know where to find real adventures in Africa.

How does it work?

We have a great network of local guides, agents and hotels, run by people who know their destinations and all their secrets in a way that we can only dream of. Why not let them plan your trip? Travel globally but book locally.

We search out the best local travel companies

We search out and find local, often small, travel companies that have the know-how necessary to make your adventure special. We look for companies with a strong connection to the places that you want to visit and with a passion for making your travels remarkable.

We offer different adventure plans for you to choose from

Our local partners have an amazing assortment of adventures to choose from. Out of these we pick out only the best ones. All the adventure you see here are tried and tested by people we trust.

Choose your adventure and enjoy it

Now it’s all up to you. When you have made up your mind, your plan will be sent to us and we will confirm the details with our local partners and calculate the price. We will then send it back to you for your approval.  When you like everything you see, we will make your booking and off you go.